Vocal communication

Dogs have an extraordinary vocal repertoire and can talk to us in many ways. Some breeds are more vocal than others, especially Terriers, smaller breeds and German Shepherd Dogs.

Canine sounds:
A dog’s vocalizations range from a murmur, usually directed straight to the human ear, through to a whine, a pleading bark, a warning bark or aggressive bark, an attention – seeking bark, a low growl or a very deep intense grow, a low growl or a very deep intense growl, and also a muted howl ranging in intensity over several notes.

The classic long howl is usually made from a sitting position with the dog’s head and throat thrown back into an almost vertical line so that the voice travels as far as possible. It is thought to be a rallying call to the canine pack, which is triggered by separation problems. Dogs do not howl when they are in pain – a dog suffering physical discomfort from an injury is almost always completely silent.

The murmur, made with mouth closed and straight into the human ear, is a demonstration of greeting and affection, enjoy this spontaneous expression by your dog; he wont murmur to a stranger or someone the nest murmur into the dam’s ear, which is usually turned back into the dam’s ear, which is usually turned back to allow access; the puppy relaxes the outer flap of its ear, a sign of pleasant submission. All puppies are born without hearing although they can vocalize at birth, using the humming murmur for pleasure and satisfaction, usually while feeding from their dam, and also telling the world when they are unhappy, hungry, cold or ill by using a thin, high pitched wail. The ear canals do not develop until nearly three weeks after the birth. As soon as the puppies can hear they start to use their voices, ranging through sharp little barks at the arrival of the breeder and food, to growls and mini – roars when playing competitively with their litter mates.

This is used to ask you to fulfill a need or wish, such as opening a door or handing our treats. Enjoy the face that your dog is communicating with you and you can interpret what he is asking for. You will not want to comply with every wish, but when you do, try to make it a happy time because your dog asked and you understood what he wanted. If the request is obscure, make an effort to find out what he wants. You will get a positive response of tail wagging and dancing on hind legs when you find key to the pleading whine. Less vocal dogs will stand and stare silently at the object want made available.

All dogs bark but when they bark obsessively it can be very annoying and a sign that something is wrong. This problem behavior is usually linked to fear or nervousness, loneliness or attention seeking when dogs feel that they are being ignored. In the wild, barking is used to warn the pack of any threat and also to deter the predator or threat.