Dog Disease - Acanthosis Nigricans disease in Dogs

This is primarily a dog disease of melanosis type which is more common in Dachshunds breed. It begins with hyperpigmenation in the armpits. This then progresses slowly to hair loss. Lubricated, stinky debris accumulate in more severely affected canines. There may be involvements of abdomen, groin, chest, anal area, forelimbs and hock in case of Acanthosis Nigricians. This dog disease is similar to chronic hyperplastic dermatitis mainly due to allergy, but inflammation in this case will be less. 

Diagnosis of Acanthosis Nigricans

History and physical examination is done to identify the underlying cause of the disease. Skin scrapings may be done to rule out the disease demodicosis, especially in puppies. In order to identify bacterial and Malassezia infection impression smears are useful.


In order to avoid multiplication of this dog disease, affected animals must not interbreed. 

Treatment of Acanthosis Nigricans

Primary acanthosis nigricans is incurable in Dachshunds. Dogs may lead to shampoo therapy and local topical glucocorticoids in the early stages of the disease. As the disease proceeds, tougher systemic therapy may be necessary. In case of secondary acanthosis nigricans, the lesions will be removed after identifying and correcting the underlying cause. If secondary bacterial and yeast pyodermas are not treated properly, then this will not occur. 

Vitamin E is successful in the treatment of numerous skin diseases, for example, discoid, epidermolysis bullosa simplex etc. However, it does not prove to be a success alone, but does offer a nontoxic aid to therapy.