Labrador - Breed Characteristics

The Labrador Retriever’s official breed standard was originally developed by people who used this obedient, happy dog as a working companion. Today, the standard continues to emphasize the gentle, eager-to-please nature of this most affable of dog, as well as a body conformation eminently suited for working on land and in water.

Muscular And Well Balanced:
The Labrador stands firmly on solid, powerful forelimbs. It toes are webbed for speed and endurance when swimming, while the chest is not excessively wide, allowing easy movement of the well-muscled legs.

Uncomplicated, Robust Body:
A strongly muscled, agile physique well equips the Labrador for a vigorous working role in all terrains. Its short, straight, and dense top coat, overlying soft down, further provides waterproofing and protection from ground cover. The Labrador’s sturdy, purposeful frame features a straight upper contour and an almost level underline with little tuck-up at the groin.

Substantial and muscular, with clean firm lines.

Broad, with defined indentation at base of muzzle; clean-cut head has unflashy cheeks and medium-length, powerful jaws.

Shoulders long and sloping, supported by strong-boned forelegs, perfectly straight from elbow to ground.

Closing-hanging, neither large nor heavy, and set rather for back.

Friendly, medium-sized dark eyes are placed well apart.

Wide nose with large nostrils on broad muzzle.

Upper teeth closely overlap lower in “scissors’ bite.

Double coat:
Short, dense outer coat without feathering or waving covers soft, waterproof down.

Top line of body is level, carried above short, wide, and strong loins.

Chest well muscled and powerfully built, of good width and depth, with barrel-shaped ribcage.

Broad, muscular, and very strongly developed straight and not sloping to tail, with sturdy, well-defined thighs.

Medium-length rounded, “otter-like” tail is very thick at base, gradually tapering to tip, with no feathering.

Rounded and compact, with well-arched, webbed toes and generous pads.
Good-Natured, Devoted Companion:
With a typically wide head and slightly pronounced brows, even this distinctively masculine Labrador has a gentle look which is synonymous with the breed.