Bringing a new puppy or dog into your house and making them a part of the family entails lots of new adventures for you and the pet. Some dogs will eat anything in site when they arrive at a new place, at times like these it becomes the pet owners responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for the new family member in the house.
Many poisonous plants grow in our gardens and yards, either naturally or used in landscaping. We have composed a list of the most common plants which are poisonous and could be harmful to a dog, causing your dog or other pets to become sick or suffer from dog diseases. If you’re concerned about a specific plant that is not on our list, take a piece of it to your local garden center and speak to a horticulturist about it. Consult the following list of poisonous plants for your reference.
Trees and bushes
- Avocado (leaves)
- Bottlebrush
- Boxwood
- Cherry (seeds)
- Common privet
- Croton
- Dogwood
- English ivy
- Hemlock
- Holly
- Horse chestnut
- Mistletoe
- Oleander
- Peach (seeds)
- Poison ivy
- Poison oak
- Poison sumac
- Privet
- Rhododendron
- Wisteria
- Yew
Flowering plants
- Amaryllis
- Anemone
- Azalea
- Bird of paradise
- Buttercup
- Christmas cactus
- Crocus
- Cyclamen
- Foxglove
- Impatiens
- Jasmine
- Morning glory
- Larkspur
- Lily of the valley
- Poinsettia
- Snapdragon
- Sweet pea
- Verbena
Bulbs, tubers, and fungi
- Calla lily
- Daffodil
- Dieffenbachia
- Hyacinth
- Iris
- Many mushrooms
- Tulip
- Weeds and herbs
- Jimson weed
- Locoweed
- Milkweed
- Pennyroyal
- Pokeweed
- Sage