Cost of Keeping a Dog

Although the love of pets may create an enthusiasm in you to keep a dog as a pet it is very important that you keep the financial aspect of owning a dog in mind. Although your finances are a private matter, keepping a dog or for that matter any pet is a huge responsibility and this responsibility entails a lot of expenses to provide your dog with a healthy and comfortable environment. Keeping a dog can be quite expensive especially the first year will drain m oney like anything,below we are listing some common expenses incurred in your puppy's first year.

Puppy's Purchase price from a reputable Breeder: $500 - $2500
If you adopt a Shelter Dog: $50 - $200
Puppy's Startuing supplies: $100 - $200
Vetrenary Exam, vaccinations and De-worming: $100
2nd and 3rd exam with vaccinations: $100-$150
Cost for Spaying and Neutring: $125 - $200
Microchipping, and Miscelleneous vetrenary costs: $100 - $200
Licencing for your dog: $20 - $50
One year suppy of good quality dog food: $700- $1500
Grooming supplies for your dog: $50
Flea and Tick prevention Supplies: $100
Early training classes $75- $150
Cleaning supplies for a healthy environment: $30 - $60

This list of expenses that we have provided above covers only the basic and necessary costs associated with owning a dog. There are many other expenses that a dog owner might incur, for example if your dog becomes ill and suffers from any dog disease the checkup and medication cost for that will be an added expense. In the same we if you have to build a fence or other protective measures for your new puppy in your house that will also be quite expensive.

The point of providing you with this list of expenses is that you should be aware of what you are going to be sending on your puppy in the first year, although owning a pet especially a dog can be a very rewarding experience you should keep the expenses in mind and know your budget so that you can keep your dog in the best possible environment that you can provide.