How often should I feed my dog?

This is one of the most important frequently asked questions. The food quantity that a dog may need varies with age. For example, if it’s a puppy in its first six weeks, then milk needs to be given five to seven times per day. Whenever the puppy wants to be fed, it generally makes a sound to make you aware. However, the quantity of feeding becomes less when the dog becomes six to eight weeks old.

When the dog becomes approximately four weeks old, it can start eating solid food. Therefore, mix the solid food with water in excess and feed your dog once or twice. However, if the dog shows symptoms of diarrhea or other stomach related disease then discontinue the use of solid food for a few more weeks.
A basic step needs to be followed during feeding is trial and error, so in short you need to watch out. The feeding ratio may be reduced to two to three times after the dog becomes eight weeks old. However, if you notice that the dog is still hungry and is craving for more food, then give him food one more time than the estimated number. However, this feeding pattern may also vary from breed to breed.

When the puppy is about three months to six months old then it will be teething and the feeding needs to be restricted to only two times. However, it is important to provide the balanced type of nutrition to the dogs of this age group in order to avoid deficiency based symptoms in them.
Try using puppy food available in the markets in between six months to one year. From first year onwards, give the dog adult food. As the dogs become old and their movements become restricted, then you must also reduce the frequency of feeding. In case of pregnant animal, you may need to feed it an extra time depending upon the dog’s mood. Keep in mind that you must restrict the quantity of the food but not compromise on its quality.